Sunday, December 27, 2009

Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year


I thought I'd post something since I've TOTALLY ignored this blog. Daww. Poor blog.


Update timez.

Remember how last time I said that Brenda had been missing work and not calling or answering her phone? Well, she got fired. And she still hasn't returned a single call. Which is rather weird. >_>
Things have been normal, minus the added rush of Christmas and now New Year's. People are getting creepy and buying things as if the world will end soon. Gawds.

We've had new kids, and some that were new have left. Either asked to be moved to another store or just plain quit (both cases have happened). We're still dealing with training a recently new girl, who's younger than me, and is actually TALLER than me. O_O It creeps me out. And I thought I was tall. lol

We got a nice xmas bonus, which is GOOD. Since I used a part of it for presents.

Getting side tracked. But really. There's not much to update.

I saw my English teacher from my first term yesterday. X3 That was fun. At first I had no effing clue who that was. o_o She kept talking to me in English, I know she was familiar, but I just couldn't pinpoint from where until she asked me if I was still studying at the JDC. That's were I clicked and went "OOOOH! ENGLISH TEACHER! LOL!!! >_>" XD I just kept things normal. Added to the convo once she asked me. XD fun fun~!

Dunno what else to write. I'm so tired from today. Sooooo many people. And then there were these bouts of random nothingness that was making everyone sleepy. o_o I'm not kidding.

:3 That should be all. Like I said, not much to update.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have SO4 calling to me to play a little before bedtimes.


PS. To Noxie. Who's comment from last post I saw... earlier. o_o Yes, I'm still working at the evils supermarket. lol

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Haven't really posted much. Sorry about that.

Well, since last I posted, up until last week I was still getting only 3 days a week. I'm managing somehow. This week I suddenly got work 5 days~! I was rather shocked. But getting back to work is the ideal pace, definitely. I just have to get back into that pace. Because honestly, I got to lazy. I would think anyway.

It's Thanksgiving week and it's also inventory month. Not enjoyable. They should've pushed inventory to a week before or after Thanksgiving. It would really have eased my mind while working.

This inventory month (which only happens once every 3 months for good reason) has been very slow. I'm worried we're all going to push into extra overtime on Friday and Saturday just to make the deadline. Which is Sunday. *rolls eyes* Not only are we behind schedule, but the girls have been missing work. For example, Brenda has already missed 3 days of work without having called in once. She's gonna have a huge scolding when she comes back, even if she brings a medical certificate. Yup.

Today was also hectic. I spent two hours on my aisle and still haven't gotten half way there. It's depressing. So many things to organize. And the fact that I was there yesterday too, on that same aisle, doesn't help. After those 2 hours, I was called to the front because it was full. Joy. So I went to my station (which happens to be the express lane today) and did my best. One hour later, the girl on the lane next to mine leaves, so I switch to that one. I couldn't get out until my shift ended an hour later, and even then, the people kept coming. All in all, I punched out past my shift ending time. Let's hope they don't fuss about it, because it wasn't my fault.

We also had a Thanksgiving lunch (that was missing ham and/or turkey), which I took home (they saved me a plate and wrote my name on it <3) and ate. YUM! I left mom a bit of the rice, a meatball (whoops), erm "guineitos en escabeche" (dunno and English name for that; it was very little), half of the potato salad, and that's it. I ate the rest, including the dessert: flan! <3 <3 <3 love! It was good. :3

That's it. May you all have a lovely Thanksgiving!


PS. Forgot something. XD I only realized it when reading the older posts.
I found out why Brenda was/is always the last cashier out. It's because the manager is TRYING to keep her glued to her station. Doesn't work if there are others, but it does when she's the last one. X3 So yeah. No more favoritism calling. I'm glad. But. Her constant contract with talking at the office and/or the podium still annoys the hell out of me. :< Just have to keep dealing with it as always.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Nothing big has happened in a while, so I'm kinda wary about the whole thing.

Today was a nice day. So incredibly nice, that I only worked 3 days. Because we did all the things we needed to do early. That being said, I'm currently trying to hurry and finish the GameStop application. I can't function knowing I'm working less and less. 20 hours is the basic that a part-timer works, right? Well, this week I do 16 hours IF we get out at 9. Let's see. Yesterday I got out at 8:30. Today at 8:05. D: Tomorrow we might get out at 8:30, as well as on Saturday. Which leaves me with 1 hour and 35 minutes LESS (aprox.) from those 16 hours that I had/have this week.

It makes me VERY insecure. Which pretty much says a lot about me. o_o


Monday, September 28, 2009

I wish...

I wish for a lot of things. But recently the only thing I keep wishing for is a moment to throw a shoe at Brenda. Or something hard. Or do other things like randomly cut off a piece of her hair. I DUNNO.

She just frustrates me so.

My feet are tired. The lady!manager's brilliant idea was that apparently I needed a break from the aisles. So she tried to keep me to the front as much as possible. Joy. Specially since Mrs.BB was front end today. DX

I'm surprised I haven't passed out yet from doing so many things.

Nothing new today really. I need to do a lot of things. And I have no time to do any of them. Really.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Scheduling fail

I didn't post anything on Sunday because it was a slow day.

Today, tho, things got weird. I was pissed but didn't really show it, considering how I was semi-arguing my case.

When I got in to work, the first thing Annie tells me is to go home. I wouldn't really have minded, but nonetheless I asked for a reason. She said that it was because my shift started at 3 and I didn't call. Yeah, that was sorta my fault. I had myself convinced that it was at 5. BUT. It was Awiwi's fault. I told Annie that I couldn't have possibly come at 3 for at 3 I was getting out of Fajardo! And that's an hour away (give or take 10 minutes, and the speed your driving. It's less if you're, say, 30 miles over the limit or something like that. And I still have to stop by home to get changed, attend nature's call, and EAT).

I told her that Awiwi had both my class schedule and my work-study schedule. And it clearly says that on Tuesdays and Thursdays I get out at 3pm. (since 8am D: yeah, it's murder). She didn't know what to do, so she said "let's go talk to Alfred". Yay?

So we go, and I explain it to Alfred. He tells me to sit down (super soft chair. :3) and tells Annie to please bring the schedules (mines and the work ones). He checks it all. I even explain how Awiwi has done this a few times before, and how she seemed to completely overlook the fact that I have class on Saturdays from 7:30am to 11:30am (which makes it impossible for me to get in to work at 9am), but that this week it was ok because I didn't have class this Saturday (it's true. it's why I have to suffer accounting class tomorrow night. ewwwwww).

All in all, Alfred told me to go work (aka, not to go home, but to stay and do the whole 5-9 shift). :D Awesome!

It was a slow day tho and I only went to my station once, and it was for 2 people. XD Win. We even got out early tho.

My joke for the day was that Awiwi probably thought that I had a spaceship with a transporter system (lol Star Trek is all I kept saying) to make it possible for me to get out of school at 3 and get in to work at the same time. X3 At one point Jesus went "why don't you go steal one then?". I looked at him and went "where the hell am I supposed to find a spaceship to steal?" XD And he went on to list different municipalities that I supposedly could find one. Lol. Fun.


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Failing at life

This is for Saturday, not Sunday. Sunday's post will be later (maybe).

So, I was rather happy on my way to work today. No idea why. It's not like I was going anywhere after my shift.
But then my car kinda died on me. From the same thing it died on me last time. It sucks. Sounded different than last time. More screechy, less clicks.
I called the boyfriend of a friend of mine. Just happened to be talking to him at that very moment about fixing something in my car. Then I called dad. He told me to get my shit together and walk to work and just leave the car there to fend for itself. Then he was a jerk about it saying that if I left the car alone, people would have it dismantled by the time I got out. Lovely. I started crying. I think I had a moment of hysteria too. Anyway, I called work, bawling my eyes out. The lady!manager told me to calm down and to call her when I got things fixed. Dad called the mechanic. I was two minutes by car from the fail!mechanic's house. Joy.

But he came anyway. And they tugged the car to the house and up the hill. I was calm by then. I started talking with the fail!mechanic's wife. I had to keep talking or else I would break and cry again. I had already cried a lot. I have no idea why I cried so much. It's not like it's rare for that car to break down. And usually I reply to it's temperaments with annoyance. But I cried for it today. I think I'm stressed.

I got to work an hour and a half later. And it was good. Dunno why but I felt shitty all shift. I was sent to the aisles and I did a speedy organizing even tho I stopped a few times. I kept trying to think of different things in order not to think of the car.

I hate when people ask "how are you?" in passing. It tugs at me to always just say "fine" or "good". When did "how are you?" became as casual as "hello"?

Ignore me, I'm being analytical of things. I took short naps for the rest of the afternoon. But it's already 3am now and I have a shift tomorrow/today morning. At 11. It's Sunday shift. In which we get paid double. But annoying politics want to change it to a regular day. D: I dun wanna work on a Sunday at all. Much less if it's on regular pay. We don't get paid enough as it is considering how low the wages are.

Hmm. More sleeping, less thinking.


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Double update

I only have four work days this week. D: Fail.

Anyway, let's start with Monday.

Brenda wasn't there, yay. But Mrs.BB was. And it was hell.
At first, not so much. But while I wasn't initially too long at my station, I was quickly sent to organize the aisles. Which wasn't bad at all. Except for the fact that I wasn't gone for more than 10 minutes before Mrs.BB called me back. With the intercom. Joy. And only because the other cashier had like, 3 people making a line. The hell. I've worked with lines of over 10 people, and never really asked for help. I just did it rather quickly. Cuz I'm super fast and efficient. >:\
So yeah. After staying for a rather long while at my station, I was sent back to the aisles. And less than 10 minutes later I was called back again.

My shift was from 3-9pm. So I wasn't too happy about all the moving around. At one point I told Mrs.BB to remember that I had to take a break, but she only nodded before sending me back to the aisles. At around 5:30 I go to the front (without being called) and tell Mrs.BB that she should send me on my break so that when Barbie gets off at 6 there isn't less people. She paused for a second before going "I told you to take a break at 5:30. Go on, get out of here!" So I did. Yay!

Point is that I got annoyed with the constant station-aisle jumps that I pretty much went "Oh gods, are you bored?" to myself when I got called again, except this time the lady!manager was next to me. Whoops? The good thing was, tho, that I got asked to put my petty inside. AWESOME!

There are 7 aisles in the whole store and usually we start organizing them from the seventh to the first. Yeah. I was still on the fifth one. D: Which annoyed the lady!manager cuz I was being "too slow". Yeah, news flash lady. I'm one of the slowest one on the whole store. TYVM. But no. To her I'm the fastest. Somehow. Anyway, the lady!manager started to hurry me. I got annoyed. Then Mrs.BB comes by.

Mrs.BB: What are you doing? Come on, hurry up! We're behind!
Me: *glare* What do you think I'm doing? Staring off into space?!
Mrs.BB: Yeah.

Nearly 10 minutes later she goes starts to bother me again and trying to hurry me up that I snap and go "For the love of god, just leave me alone!"
Yeah. I kinda screamed that. >_>
But I was left alone. Until I was nearly done with aisle 4. In which she comes to me. I see her approaching and a growl forms in the back of my throat. She nudges me and asks me to sign some random things for her (they're regular stuff, not too important really), but then she goes "don't be mad at me." I glare. "They're hurrying me, so I have to hurry you." she says, and then walks away.
By this time my rage popped and I cried. It took me a bit to calm down, but luckily no one saw me. I was much more calm after that tho. More annoyed and a lot less angry.
And then Zoel, one of the baggers, starts POKING me on my shoulder (near the shoulder blade) HARD. DX WTH. I tell him to knock it off. He keeps doing it. I slap his hands away a few times. He keeps doing it. I throw a freaking bag of sugar at him. That made him stop. If only because he now had to go fetch a broom and dust pan to clean up the sugar (cuz the bag pretty much broke on contact with the other side of the aisle. lol win). After it's clean, tho, he tries to poke me again. Seba tells him not to cuz I am capable of throwing a bag of sugar at him. LMAO. Too late. But since Zoel wouldn't stop fucking poking me, I got up and went to the other corner to the aisle to organize. FAR FAR away from Zoel. :D
The rest of the night went good tho. But it was a horrible work shift.

Today on the other hand, I quickly volunteered to do the aisles. Cuz I was tired and I didn't want to deal with people. Annie said yes. WHOOT!
The only bad part: Brenda was on shift. Fail.
Annie said, tho, that she was gonna try not to call me much to the front. She didn't. She called me like, once. And a second time it was because I was passing by and she asked me to "please" go to my station. And who can say no to a please? Seriously. :3
But all in all, I was organizing aisles by myself. I did pretty much the whole store except for the first aisle. Once the night was over, Annie said that since I had done the whole store by myself, that I could leave early. (my train of thought was more along the lines of "i did the whole store by myself without whining even once). So I help a little bit more and then I go "ok, I'm off".

To this Brenda goes "oh? We can leave?! *hopeful*" and Annie went "no". I mentally went "lol". Annie explained the why I could leave early, but I really didn't know why she needed the others there. *shrugs* Don't care. I happily left. <3

Night guys. :3


Thursday, September 10, 2009


Ok. So I'm reliable in that you can tell me something and I'll keep it to myself (most of the time). That doesn't mean I want to be stuck in the middle of your feuds. DX

Thing is that two months ago, Brenda broke Mrs.BB's laptop. Kinda. She cracked the screen and killed the battery (like, seriously it doesn't work anymore). So yeah. She told Mrs.BB that she would pay anything to fix it. But then started making excuses and shit and now she's completely avoiding Mrs.BB to the max. Mrs.BB also told me that apparently Brenda owes her money from some products too (from February). o_o Yeah.

Mrs.BB is even going as far as getting her to court. Cuz Brenda has to pay her back from her products and from damaging the laptop. We'll see what happens.

Work has been the same as always. So yeah.

Oh. And when Brenda's working, there's always a 98% that she'll be the last one out. I think I've mentioned this before, but mehhh. Oh well. It still ticks me off. Like today I was stuck in the express lane, and she dared to simply step out to the bathroom without saying anything to anyone and leaving me with people that had their carts full. D: Express lane is 10 items or less, not ten people or less. And plus it doesn't help AT ALL that I have to bag everything up as I pass them. MEHHHHHHHHHHH.


Monday, August 31, 2009

D: Why?

Like I said yesterday, today I had a 6 hour shift. MEHHHHH.

It started semi-bad with me getting there a bit late. I thought I would get there super late, so I called ahead to say that I was late. Good. I was late because 1) I wanted to keep playing Majora's Mask, 2) I had to prepare my lunch, 3) I didn't want to go, and the most important one, 4) Shigure didn't want to turn on. Again.


So yeah. I was pissy because of Shigure when I called in to say that I was a bit late. Barbie puts me on hold while she calls Awiwi to pick up the phone. And what song is on the radio/justhappenstobewaitingmusic? "Don't worry, be happy."
I swear, the song is hunting me now.

So yeah. I go in and what not. Talk to Mara and what not.

Guess who got in around 5? Yup, Brenda. I mean, wth.
And guess who was the last cashier to hand in their petty? Yup, Brenda. I smell favoritism (even tho I already called it).
And guess who was going around doing nothing while whining that she wanted to leave and that we should hurry the fuck up? Yup. That whore Brenda.

Also. Our manager, the lady!manager, also went around shoving around how big her COJONES were. Cuz only she has the balls to tell us that we shouldn't help out Annie at all and that we should just focus on organizing the aisles. WTF. What happened to teamwork, whore? DX

I was so pissed when I got off shift. But I sweetly, and very kindly, bid everyone goodnight and goodbye. By name. I mean, seriously. I'm just too sweet.

I drank more soda when I got into the car tho. And shifted thru songs until I got "Bad Day". That song is made of wins. I sang it/screamed it on the way home. And once the song was over, I was in a much better mood. Less angry, still a bit annoyed, but yeah. I wasn't snapping at random things either. Which was good. To make matters better, "Brilliant Future" (from the SO3 OST) came on after "Bad Day". And it's a soft song that reminds me of the endless ocean of stars. It's quite calming. I love it. So yeah.

That is all. I have a couple of things to do tomorrow, plus work at 5. I won't be home, so you can bet I'll be whoring Twitter thru my cel. And after that... Wednesday and Thursday free. Which is nice. Already picked Wednesday as "let's fucking finish cleaning already day" so I don't think I'll have the computer on either. So whoring Twitter again through the cel. Yush.


Sunday, August 30, 2009

Saturday's "six hour" shift of doom

Forgot to write this on Saturday (yesterday) and by a small miracle I remembered to write it today.

Anyway, I had a six hour shift, which ended up as seven to eight hours since we got out at nearly 11pm. And I had gone in at 3pm. ;_; Tomorrow I go in at 3 again. D: FAIL. Dammit. FAIL!

So yeah. I got to work in a bad mood. Really crappy-bad, not pissed-bad. So you can imagine that when the song "don't worry, be happy" started playing the first thing I thought was that it was a very hypocrite song. Yup. And I happen to adore that song. Go figure.

My crappy-bad mood was slowly turning into pissed-mood by various thing. One is that I had Mrs. BB as our front-end supervisor. Fail. Another was that Brenda got the cashier next to mine. GODS. And not only was she doing nothing, like always, she was also trying to run away from the cashier. By "doing" other things. I hate her so much right now. Third was the fact that everyone thought that my cashier was the only one open and were making line for mine. And totally ignoring the other TWO guys (a girl and a guy) that also had a cashier and had only one person. *sigh* fail.

At nearly 7, I was told to hand in my petty. I semi-cheered. On the inside. And whined a lot. Also on the inside. Handing in the money meant I was going to be sent to the aisles. And what's worse than organizing the aisles is organizing them for inventory. Fail. Fail. Fail. I forget how to do it, so I end up doing it wrong. Well, I did most of them right so yay? Brenda was doing them all wrong/not doing much anyway. And while I did a side of the last aisle while helping Das (a super nice coworker) on the other side before she screamed XD. Cuz the seasoning and stuff was driving her insane. Poor Das.

Oh. And I came back from my break happy and hyper. :3 I hate lunch. Ate cheese.... hoshit, where did I put that cheese?! O_O. Um yeah. Ate cheese, and drank soda. A lot of it. :3

Erm. That's it. Now excuse me while I go fetch some cheese.


Edit: mom put the cheese in the fridge. <3 Win.

Monday, August 24, 2009


Dammit Brenda! You stupid, blond, useless woman! *pissed*
She's useless in the cashier (cuz she's slow) and she's useless cleaning up the aisles (because she does things half-way and then moves on to another aisle).

And the manager lady doesn't fucking help. They both go around hurrying us up and not really doing anything.

Grahhh. Work sucks. Either the fates are mocking me or they're trying to shove even more proof in my face that I should freaking change jobs already.

I vote for the latter.


Sunday, August 23, 2009


Stupid favoritism. I HATE IT!

So yeah. I think I mentioned how I got scolded once for arriving... two minutes past the "time" I was supposed to be in (some bullshit like 5:02 or something). Well. This girl (who's going to go by her actual name. CUZ I HATE HER THAT MUCH), Brenda. She comes in late almost every time she has a shift. And they NEVER scold her. And I mean never. She also spends most of the time doing nothing. And other than doing nothing, when she's the last cashier to put away her munny, she starts bitching at the ones organizing that she wants to leave and that we should hurry up. Yeah. Total bitch. Also must mention the fact that she apparently has a "free pass" where she can leave her station to go gossip with the manager and supervisor. Yeah, totally unfair. Totally.

So yeah. Today I was the first one to arrive. As in, I got there and there wasn't a single cashier in sight. I was rather shocked. Anyway, I took my petty-cash thing and pick the first station. Didn't care where I was, really. Good thing I picked that one tho, cuz the alternative was next to... her. Ugh.

Anyway. Around 12, the supervisor, Annie, apparently sends her to make sammiches cuz they're hungry. Goddammit. If you know you're going to be at a store from 11 to 5, the LEAST you could do is eat some damn breakfast. And/or bring your own lunch. But no. They're stupid and they start going around getting stuff to buy for sammich. I see Brenda going around. And stuff. After half an hour, she's still going around. A bit later she passes by my station and I ask her if she's on break. She says yes, and asks why. I shrug and say that I was just wondering. Her "break" lasted from 40 minutes to an hour. I SHIT YOU NOT. I was sent on break at 12:53. Yup.

I take my stuff, buy soda, and go to the backroom to eat lunch and generally stay far away from everyone. (yay!). After 30 minutes of isolation, I punched in (cuz the break's only for 30 minutes). Das gets the break after me. Near the end of her break, she comes by my station to buy something. Which I dun mind much. She's sweet. So I tell her that if Bren takes another (strongly saying "ANOTHER") break, that I would scream. She looks at me wondering if I'll really do it and in a rather low voice she says that she just went on break. I take a deep breath and simply say "ok" before finishing with her. When I start with the costumer after Das, the lady tells me that she would scream if she were in my shoes. XD Fun fun!

So yeah. Stupid Bren took TWO breaks. What. The. Fuck.
I don't mind the part of the two breaks. It's the fact that it was TWO. When the rest of us were working our fucking asses off, she was off having a riot. GRRRRRRRRR.

Near the end of the work day, I get sent to organize the aisles cuz apparently I'm one of the fastest. Excuse me, what? I'm one of the SLOWEST! o_o
But oh well. I get paired with Lizzy. She's cool. Most of the time.
Anyway, we organize, and talk. Bitch that it's down right INHUMAN to have us working under this heat. Cuz of course, the a/c is so fucking old, you can't feel it. At all. So most movements resulted in lots of sweating. Which is just disgusting. The manager passed us by bitching that we were too slow. We WHINED that it was too hot. She completely dismissed us saying that it wasn't a reason to work slower and that we should hurry up. DX FAIL. Lizzy and I bitch to ourselves that if she wants us to hurry so much, she should fucking help then.

As we're nearly done with the last aisle, the store is finally closed and the last cashier gets send in to put her petty-cash-thing back on 50 and register everything else. She has to pass by the first aisle where we are. And it's Bren. I curse under my breath and between my teeth. She goes "hurry up! I want to leave! Hey, Lizzy! Hurry up! You're giving me a ride!" and goes into the office. I blink, then turned to Lizzy. She confirms that the ride thing is true. I rolled my eyes. I bitch that if she wants us to hurry, she should fucking help too.

They're all useless anyway.

We're done! We're cleaning up the stations and stuff (aka, I'm cleaning the stations and stuff), and the manager goes around going "see? It wasn't impossible. Who said it was impossible?" No one. No one said that organizing the store before 5:30 was impossible. Unbearable, annoying, and tiring? Yes. But not impossible. We would've finished sooner if these people weren't being pieces of turd and doing NOTHING! But yeah. Hell. We pretended we redid all the aisles as we're supposed to and just said that we were done with it all. Cuz yeah. I, for one, was sick and tired of the day.

That's it I guess.
Got work tomorrow.... MEHHHHH.


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Good day

Today was actually an awesome day. :3 Even tho I had that horrid 3-9pm shift on a day that I had off. But oh well. It was actually quite nice. I pretty much spent like 98% of the shift organizing the aisles. Which I hate, but I didn't feel like saying hello to everyone. LOL.

I also didn't have much interaction with the stupid annoying blond of a secretary (nicknamed her "Her Highness" or "Cinder-sama" cuz of her "mightier than thou" attitude and general bitchyness). So yay! At one point while we finished organizing, Her Highness came out to joke around with Alfred and started lol'ing and then looked at us to notice we were staring at her retarded laugh and kept on talking but in a lower voice. XD lol. Nice going, dipshit.

That is all. Got another shift tomorrow, and on Thursday before I scream that the people on this island are high.

Oh, and a hurricane's supposed to pass by on Thursday. And I live on a road that if the rain's too hard it floods so I can't go up to my house. Yup. Already happened once with regular super-heavy rainstorm. Don't want to try that under a hurricane at 9:25pm. DX

I'll keep you posted (on all three journals).


Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Huzzah! I had a fairly decent day today. Disregarding the fact that my shift was so epicly LONG!

Not a double shift or anything... just a normal shift. That happened to be six hours long (3pm-9pm). Ewww. I really don't like closing shifts. We have to organize everything. Puu puuu. On the other hand, I love opening shifts. I get to do nearly nothing. XD And I have a semi-opening shift on Saturday! Another thing I love about opening shifts is the fact that I get to have the REST of the day to do stuff! (otherwise I tend to regularly wake up from 11 to midday if they let me XD)

My shift on Saturday is from 7-11am. :3 YAY! I'm spending the rest of the afternoon at a friend's house! Yay!

That is all. I'm expecting a large check this week. What with all the hours and the raised minimum wage. X3


Monday, August 3, 2009


Miss Bitchy-Bitch has done it again! Followed by our new manager-lady. D:

And I thought we were doing so good. But noooo.

I can't divide myself. I just can't.

SO. Apparently I also have no reason to hate organizing the aisles after I've been made to organize them all (aka, practically the whole store) by myself (because everyone else gets to fool around, but not me). So I still had to do most of the aisles myself, and then they started screaming at me cuz the first aisle wasn't fixed. Joy. The manager starts being annoying that we have to hurry up. Why? Does the world end at 9pm so she has to have the store looking pretty? Sorry, but our schedules say we can be there up until 9:30. Just because she wants to get out early doesn't mean she can stand around looking at us work and not do any of it herself.

So I'm taking care of aisle one, taking my sweet time. And Miss B-B starts moving stuff. After one shelf she goes "there! I helped you as most as I could". D: Wait, what? You mean you can't help out more? Because why again? You're doing absolutely NOTHING! Dammit. So yeah.

Oh and while the manager was hurrying us (aka, me), Miss B-B goes "yes, hurry! or else... you know!" Excuse me? Did you just threaten me with a warning? Lovely. And what's it going to say? That I refused to hurry up organizing? Because I was busy organizing other aisles and putting away misplaced merchandise? Is that it? Bring it then.

But yeah. It took me all I had not to go horribly violent or something on her.

The music wasn't helping. I don't mind "old people" music. I don't. Unless it's on EVERYDAY. D: And it starts... after 6pm. And guess who has to do most of closing duties! Yup. Me. And I detest "bachata" and "merenge". DX LOATHE IT!

Luckily, I'm off tomorrow.
Gonna run away and buy kompeito. Because I'm in need of sugar. And because I finally found a place to buy them. Yay.


Sunday, July 26, 2009

Many things.

Ok, so apparently it wasn't a warning. They just use the same paper. And it was to keep record of me being absent that day. D: The hell? According to Alfred, they're doing this now to keep tabs on everyone who misses work. HMMMM. Guess that'll cut this habit of missing work by "being sick" trend that we OBVIOUSLY do. XD Oh well.

Um. Alex has left us. They moved him up a rank and therefore moved him to another store far away. D: awws! In his place we got this lady. Who at first glance you think she's super strict. BUT SHE'S NOT!! She's so nice and friendly! LOL! Plus, when she's bored, she goes around organizing the aisles! I mean, WTF NO ONE ELSE DOES THAT BUT US!!!!!!!! <3 It is awesome! She's also the only one who actually had the balls to call the remaining clients on the PA telling them that we were closed and to please finish up their shopping soon. X3 FUCKING A!!!!!!!!!! That made my day. Hell, I had a huge giggle fit becuase of it. I mean, no other manager has the balls to do that!


Right now we're suffering low hours again. D: There's this girl that only has one day. And apparently Alfred told her that it's because she didn't pass the 2-month trial thing. After two months they give you "permanency".... Um. Yeah. But then Annie and the other girls told her that Alfred was just pulling her leg and shit. D: So I'm not sure what's what anymore. I hope she doesn't go tho, she's fun!

That is all for now. :3 Been suffering because of the citiots, but that's pretty normal when the weekend is LONG (aka, monday and/or friday is a holiday). Heh.


Sunday, July 19, 2009


Yes, sorry that I haven't posted in a while.

Today was a VERY weird day. Weather wise, most of all. It was sunny one moment, and then the next it was raining so hard, you'd think a hurricane was going on outside. And then like 20 minutes later, it was sunny again. Then an hour or so later, the epic rain. Etc, etc, etc. People were whining that they wouldn't be able to go to the beach properly and stuff, and were all panicky cuz they would get wet. But, guys, think about it. The stupid pandemic we're currently going through is supposedly not immune to WATER. So why not get yourself a little wet with the rain?


So, anyway, I was working with miss Bitchy-bitch today. After what happened last time (the time I told Alfred on her because she drove me up the wall) we've been pretty damn civil around each other. Thank gods. So now Miss BB has it in her head that I'm her little assistant. Yes, you read that right. So I go around doing her stuff in her stead. Unless it's stuff only she can do. It's good because I escape register duties for more than just a few minutes. :3

So, yeah. We're getting along. XD Let's hope it stays that way.

Oh yeah. I got a warning the other day, which I'm completely refusing to sign, that says that I called in sick (cuz I had bad tummy aches and other things I rather not mention here) right at the time I was supposed to go in (at 4pm). Which is complete bullshit since I called around 2:30 to 2:50. Ages before my shift. But since they're claiming stuff that ain't true, I'm not gonna sign it. If it at the very least said that I called an hour and a half (or just an hour) before my shift and that I should make sure to call at LEAST two hours before it and to be more careful next time and shit.... I would sign it. But as long as it keeps saying that I called at 4, I'm not going to. >:|

Moving on. I have closing duty all week. EWWWWW.
I need a new job. Definitely. People say I whined a lot at the airport one (which I don't deny because it was awful), but at least that one is one that I was actually sad to leave when the contract was over. This is one is more like "eww, I have no other choice. No one else is hiring, and these ppl are kind enough to re-hire me. but still. Ewww!". *shrugs* I never did miss it, tho. I missed some of the girls, but that was it. I hated all the things we went through and how crappy every thing was/is. Oh well.

Federal minimum wage is going up to $7.25 on the 24th!!!!!!!!!!!! HUZZAH!!!!!!!!!!
We're currently on $6.55. Just in case anyone's wondering. XD
Sadly since we have no State Minimum Wage thing (cuz we're not a state), so this is the stardard minimum wage for the WHOLE island. Joy *sarcassm*.


Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July weekend!

4th of July was hectic! Very, very hectic. What with all the citiots and the tourists and the people that do live around here doing last minute shopping. Yup, it was full. I was really glad that my shift was from 10am to 2pm so I didn't have to stay until nearly 9:30pm organizing aisles. Yup.

Citiots is a word taken from the (new) show Royal Pains and it's used to describe people that only come here for the weekend. I've expanded that a bit to also mean city+idiots.
Yup. They made it hard to get to work, then get back home. Cuz they were everywhere!

But that doesn't belong here, so XD. Just imagine a two way road with grass and semi-jungle on the sides and then people parking all over the sides. Semi-trying not to get into the jungle but throwing it into the jungle anyway for fear of some of us that live there ruining their precious cars. That and the occassional cop that goes around giving them all tickets. <3

Anyway, yeah.
Today was a weird day. I think the one in charge of making the schedules thought that it was going to be a hectic day so she assigned five of us to man our registers. Pretty much. XD But we were too many! And not many citiots since they were mostly trying to get to their homes. I was one of the lucky ones who was sent home early because, like previously stated, we were too many and because it was slow. :3 I did get to semi-mock all the citiots going on the other direction (aka, towards the metro area) in that huge traffic jam that they created (just because they wanted to get out early and not catch the traffic jam). XD Totally worth it.

And the way home was practically cleared of them and their tents (and BBQ sets), which made for a peaceful ride home.

Oh! I also got to work with miss Bitchy-bitch today. Guess who was all sweet to her all day? Yup, me! Yay! I think Alfred gave her a talking to because she pretty much avoided having too much contact with me unless it was absolutely necessary. JOY! <3


Thursday, July 2, 2009



Imma call her Bitchy-bitch.

So, miss Bitchy-bitch got out of her shift an hour or so after I went in (YAY!). I was very very overjoyed. I didn't have to stand her for that long! Everything was alright! I didn't have a fight with her!


So after her shift was over, she went to the meat area and got a bag of meat to buy. And then went straight to my register. Wait, what? Is it because mine is closer to the clock-in machine? Is that it? Or was she just looking for a fight?

Anyway, she went over to where I was. And stood behind me. So I started to ignore her and finished with the client I was at the moment attending. I still had some other 3 or 4 people on the line waiting for their turn. And miss Bitchy-bitch then decides that no one matters and that she has the right to bypass EVERYONE else. So she pretty much forces me to attend her meat. D:

At all this I'm pretty much softly arguing with her that she has no right to do this and that she should make the line like everyone else, and that what she's doing is a complete lack of respect over the rest of the clients who are dutifully waiting their turn without a fuss.

She ignores me and keeps arguing that she needs to go and that I have to tend to her.

I take a deep breath. I process her stupid meat. She tells me to do something one way. I don't mind since people have done it before (pay, for example, 16 dollars with a credit/debit card and whatever left over cents with cash). I didn't mind until she started pushing the buttons of my register. D:< WTF?! She has no right considering she's out of her shift. She's now a regular client, not my boss.

But I let it slide and fix whatever she wrote. She starts arguing that if I do something wrong then she'd have to call for a void and then we'd be stuck there longer. Excuse me? Who was the one who wrote a dollar extra where she wasn't even supposed to be touching?! GRAHHH!

I take a few more deep breaths. People are looking at me like "wtf is her deal!?" Yup. Even they got annoyed. But no one voiced anything. They just looked at me later with a bit of pity.

I was on the verge of pretty much punching her teeth in or something violent like that.

Another deep breath and I'm done with her. As soon as I handed her the receipt I turned my back on her and kept on with the next person in line.

After I'm done, I follow mini-manager (he's an actual manager, but he's the youngest of the three) into the money room and pretty much tell him that if miss bitchy-bitch does something like that again I was going to resort to violence. His eyes opened wide a bit. I was that annoyed. I think even the receptionist was wondering what demon was in me. Alex, the mini-manager, tells me to go see Alfred, the big-manager. So I do that.

Apparently I now know that I have a volatile temper. LOL! It's going to be our new joke.
Cuz I'm the sweet one. My sister's the violent one. XD

But yeah.

So I told Alfred what happened, and he tells me that he was waiting for me to whine about her so that he can tell me that she has whined about me! o_o WTH. But still. The only reason she whines about me is because the power goes to her head and she wants people to do everything alone. She can easily tell me to do three different things, in three different places of the supermarket, and then ask me why I haven't done any of them. Two minutes after issuing the "order". Because she can.

Dude. I can't duplicate myself or stop time and do it and come back/resume time so that it seems like no time passed but I already did everything. I'm also not flash.

Anyway, Alfred told me to keep to my mantra ("take a nice deep breath"/"respira ondo y profundo") and to follow whatever she says because she's still technically my "boss". And that if anything else happens to go to him and talk to him.


I'm now thinking that she's going to deny what she did and I'm going to look like the fool. But if she denies it, then I'm going to deny everything she said about me (whatever that was).

I do my work. I follow the rules. But I won't follow the makeshift rules of an idiot.


Sunday, June 28, 2009


Sorry! Forgot to post.

Monday - Wednesday: *headdesk* I had to work with this girl that I'm 90% of the time fighting with. *sigh* It's like she tries to make it hard for me to like her. Luckily, I get away by organizing the aisles instead.

Yesterday: Semi-short shift. Even tho we stayed until nearly 10pm organizing the aisles to be practically perfect. All because the girl that was organizing the STORE wasn't doing properly. Yeah, I noticed too, but I didn't want to say anything. So the manager scolded our supervisor and we had to do the whole store again, but in such great detail that we were practically annoyed by it. *shrugs* I did learn how to use the PA system, and had to use it twice. Oooh! How horribly embarrassing! Do not want to do it again. Ever!

I'm half celebrating, half dreading next week. I only have two days off! Finally! We have hours again! *dances* But the dreading part is where I still consider how much I hate people right now.

I have to deal, I guess. Most jobs involve dealing with people anyway. *sigh*


Monday, June 15, 2009

Broken Glass

So today I arrived to be told that last night there was a burglary. D:

I don't know (yet) how they got in, but they broke the glass of the shelves-things where the cigarette cartons are in. According to a fellow co-worker, they stole cartons of cigarettes and liquor. Yup, pretty much the most expensive things at the supermarket. But they ignored the computer. Huh. Nice priorities, idiots. Anyway, they also broke the tray of one of the cashier machines. Which also happen to be computers.

Wait, what?

So they stole cigs and booze instead of technology. Okay.

Anyway, moving on. Today we were cleaning. A lot. Apparently the founder of the supermarket chain is coming by tomorrow for inspection. And lo-and-behold! I am free tomorrow! Yay! I don't have to suffer the pain from having the managers and supervisors panicking like idiots. Because they can.

I've been told that the old man can barely walk and that last time he came, he needed lots of help going up the stairs. He peaked into the produce area, and then left. All that panicking for nothing.

Oh well.

I'm free until Friday. *shrugs* I think this is a good time to do other things. XD


Friday, June 12, 2009


It was a good shift.
That book gave me a way to not be depressed about life and to move on. Yay?

I had a battle with the canned juices since they wanted to be on the floor. But in the end they submitted to my will.

One of my co-workers said I was too happy. XD Yay!

Had an interesting conversation with the bunny. We agreed that my resume needs serious tweeking. I need to get together with Ju to work with that and how to make a cover letter (since I've never made one before o_o).

I'm getting off track.

Anyway. That's about it. It was a good, rainy day. :3


Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Once again I've made a blog about working. This time I'm working at the local supermarket. Again.

They were kind enough to re-hire me after I had left them to work at the airport (where I had hoped to get an even better job, but alas, I had no such luck).

So yes. This time I've been there since around September of 2008. I've had my ups and downs, but when do we not?

I've started classes again, this time with a new career focus: computer repair. I'm very motivated this time around, which is a huge plus.

Also, I got this book today which is giving me hopes of bettering myself. And it's not even about that, so yeah.

The book is called "1001 things every teen should know before they leave home (or else they'll come back)", and while I'm not thinking of leaving home any time soon, this does help clear up a million and one things that I've never known about and have been doing wrong. Let's see how this lasts.

Work today is at 4:00pm, so I'll leave you all now and come back tonight with today's update.


Today's update:

With high spirits from reading the book, I embarked on work today. And I had a lot less frustrations than usual. There were boring times staring into space, we did our aisles in semi-fast time, I rekindled my mini relationship with lettuce and its family while going "ewwww" every now and then (mentally, for there were still people about near me). etc etc etc.

At the very very last moment, the ATM system fell, which sucked and left a family and me without being able to buy anything. Awww. I was going to cook (yes, you read that right) something for mom.

The good news is that I asked dad to kindly pick up some broccoli at Wal-Mart which is what I was going to buy. Yay.

~Flare (9:17pm)