Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Haven't really posted much. Sorry about that.

Well, since last I posted, up until last week I was still getting only 3 days a week. I'm managing somehow. This week I suddenly got work 5 days~! I was rather shocked. But getting back to work is the ideal pace, definitely. I just have to get back into that pace. Because honestly, I got to lazy. I would think anyway.

It's Thanksgiving week and it's also inventory month. Not enjoyable. They should've pushed inventory to a week before or after Thanksgiving. It would really have eased my mind while working.

This inventory month (which only happens once every 3 months for good reason) has been very slow. I'm worried we're all going to push into extra overtime on Friday and Saturday just to make the deadline. Which is Sunday. *rolls eyes* Not only are we behind schedule, but the girls have been missing work. For example, Brenda has already missed 3 days of work without having called in once. She's gonna have a huge scolding when she comes back, even if she brings a medical certificate. Yup.

Today was also hectic. I spent two hours on my aisle and still haven't gotten half way there. It's depressing. So many things to organize. And the fact that I was there yesterday too, on that same aisle, doesn't help. After those 2 hours, I was called to the front because it was full. Joy. So I went to my station (which happens to be the express lane today) and did my best. One hour later, the girl on the lane next to mine leaves, so I switch to that one. I couldn't get out until my shift ended an hour later, and even then, the people kept coming. All in all, I punched out past my shift ending time. Let's hope they don't fuss about it, because it wasn't my fault.

We also had a Thanksgiving lunch (that was missing ham and/or turkey), which I took home (they saved me a plate and wrote my name on it <3) and ate. YUM! I left mom a bit of the rice, a meatball (whoops), erm "guineitos en escabeche" (dunno and English name for that; it was very little), half of the potato salad, and that's it. I ate the rest, including the dessert: flan! <3 <3 <3 love! It was good. :3

That's it. May you all have a lovely Thanksgiving!


PS. Forgot something. XD I only realized it when reading the older posts.
I found out why Brenda was/is always the last cashier out. It's because the manager is TRYING to keep her glued to her station. Doesn't work if there are others, but it does when she's the last one. X3 So yeah. No more favoritism calling. I'm glad. But. Her constant contract with talking at the office and/or the podium still annoys the hell out of me. :< Just have to keep dealing with it as always.