Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Scheduling fail

I didn't post anything on Sunday because it was a slow day.

Today, tho, things got weird. I was pissed but didn't really show it, considering how I was semi-arguing my case.

When I got in to work, the first thing Annie tells me is to go home. I wouldn't really have minded, but nonetheless I asked for a reason. She said that it was because my shift started at 3 and I didn't call. Yeah, that was sorta my fault. I had myself convinced that it was at 5. BUT. It was Awiwi's fault. I told Annie that I couldn't have possibly come at 3 for at 3 I was getting out of Fajardo! And that's an hour away (give or take 10 minutes, and the speed your driving. It's less if you're, say, 30 miles over the limit or something like that. And I still have to stop by home to get changed, attend nature's call, and EAT).

I told her that Awiwi had both my class schedule and my work-study schedule. And it clearly says that on Tuesdays and Thursdays I get out at 3pm. (since 8am D: yeah, it's murder). She didn't know what to do, so she said "let's go talk to Alfred". Yay?

So we go, and I explain it to Alfred. He tells me to sit down (super soft chair. :3) and tells Annie to please bring the schedules (mines and the work ones). He checks it all. I even explain how Awiwi has done this a few times before, and how she seemed to completely overlook the fact that I have class on Saturdays from 7:30am to 11:30am (which makes it impossible for me to get in to work at 9am), but that this week it was ok because I didn't have class this Saturday (it's true. it's why I have to suffer accounting class tomorrow night. ewwwwww).

All in all, Alfred told me to go work (aka, not to go home, but to stay and do the whole 5-9 shift). :D Awesome!

It was a slow day tho and I only went to my station once, and it was for 2 people. XD Win. We even got out early tho.

My joke for the day was that Awiwi probably thought that I had a spaceship with a transporter system (lol Star Trek is all I kept saying) to make it possible for me to get out of school at 3 and get in to work at the same time. X3 At one point Jesus went "why don't you go steal one then?". I looked at him and went "where the hell am I supposed to find a spaceship to steal?" XD And he went on to list different municipalities that I supposedly could find one. Lol. Fun.


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