Monday, August 31, 2009

D: Why?

Like I said yesterday, today I had a 6 hour shift. MEHHHHH.

It started semi-bad with me getting there a bit late. I thought I would get there super late, so I called ahead to say that I was late. Good. I was late because 1) I wanted to keep playing Majora's Mask, 2) I had to prepare my lunch, 3) I didn't want to go, and the most important one, 4) Shigure didn't want to turn on. Again.


So yeah. I was pissy because of Shigure when I called in to say that I was a bit late. Barbie puts me on hold while she calls Awiwi to pick up the phone. And what song is on the radio/justhappenstobewaitingmusic? "Don't worry, be happy."
I swear, the song is hunting me now.

So yeah. I go in and what not. Talk to Mara and what not.

Guess who got in around 5? Yup, Brenda. I mean, wth.
And guess who was the last cashier to hand in their petty? Yup, Brenda. I smell favoritism (even tho I already called it).
And guess who was going around doing nothing while whining that she wanted to leave and that we should hurry the fuck up? Yup. That whore Brenda.

Also. Our manager, the lady!manager, also went around shoving around how big her COJONES were. Cuz only she has the balls to tell us that we shouldn't help out Annie at all and that we should just focus on organizing the aisles. WTF. What happened to teamwork, whore? DX

I was so pissed when I got off shift. But I sweetly, and very kindly, bid everyone goodnight and goodbye. By name. I mean, seriously. I'm just too sweet.

I drank more soda when I got into the car tho. And shifted thru songs until I got "Bad Day". That song is made of wins. I sang it/screamed it on the way home. And once the song was over, I was in a much better mood. Less angry, still a bit annoyed, but yeah. I wasn't snapping at random things either. Which was good. To make matters better, "Brilliant Future" (from the SO3 OST) came on after "Bad Day". And it's a soft song that reminds me of the endless ocean of stars. It's quite calming. I love it. So yeah.

That is all. I have a couple of things to do tomorrow, plus work at 5. I won't be home, so you can bet I'll be whoring Twitter thru my cel. And after that... Wednesday and Thursday free. Which is nice. Already picked Wednesday as "let's fucking finish cleaning already day" so I don't think I'll have the computer on either. So whoring Twitter again through the cel. Yush.


Sunday, August 30, 2009

Saturday's "six hour" shift of doom

Forgot to write this on Saturday (yesterday) and by a small miracle I remembered to write it today.

Anyway, I had a six hour shift, which ended up as seven to eight hours since we got out at nearly 11pm. And I had gone in at 3pm. ;_; Tomorrow I go in at 3 again. D: FAIL. Dammit. FAIL!

So yeah. I got to work in a bad mood. Really crappy-bad, not pissed-bad. So you can imagine that when the song "don't worry, be happy" started playing the first thing I thought was that it was a very hypocrite song. Yup. And I happen to adore that song. Go figure.

My crappy-bad mood was slowly turning into pissed-mood by various thing. One is that I had Mrs. BB as our front-end supervisor. Fail. Another was that Brenda got the cashier next to mine. GODS. And not only was she doing nothing, like always, she was also trying to run away from the cashier. By "doing" other things. I hate her so much right now. Third was the fact that everyone thought that my cashier was the only one open and were making line for mine. And totally ignoring the other TWO guys (a girl and a guy) that also had a cashier and had only one person. *sigh* fail.

At nearly 7, I was told to hand in my petty. I semi-cheered. On the inside. And whined a lot. Also on the inside. Handing in the money meant I was going to be sent to the aisles. And what's worse than organizing the aisles is organizing them for inventory. Fail. Fail. Fail. I forget how to do it, so I end up doing it wrong. Well, I did most of them right so yay? Brenda was doing them all wrong/not doing much anyway. And while I did a side of the last aisle while helping Das (a super nice coworker) on the other side before she screamed XD. Cuz the seasoning and stuff was driving her insane. Poor Das.

Oh. And I came back from my break happy and hyper. :3 I hate lunch. Ate cheese.... hoshit, where did I put that cheese?! O_O. Um yeah. Ate cheese, and drank soda. A lot of it. :3

Erm. That's it. Now excuse me while I go fetch some cheese.


Edit: mom put the cheese in the fridge. <3 Win.

Monday, August 24, 2009


Dammit Brenda! You stupid, blond, useless woman! *pissed*
She's useless in the cashier (cuz she's slow) and she's useless cleaning up the aisles (because she does things half-way and then moves on to another aisle).

And the manager lady doesn't fucking help. They both go around hurrying us up and not really doing anything.

Grahhh. Work sucks. Either the fates are mocking me or they're trying to shove even more proof in my face that I should freaking change jobs already.

I vote for the latter.


Sunday, August 23, 2009


Stupid favoritism. I HATE IT!

So yeah. I think I mentioned how I got scolded once for arriving... two minutes past the "time" I was supposed to be in (some bullshit like 5:02 or something). Well. This girl (who's going to go by her actual name. CUZ I HATE HER THAT MUCH), Brenda. She comes in late almost every time she has a shift. And they NEVER scold her. And I mean never. She also spends most of the time doing nothing. And other than doing nothing, when she's the last cashier to put away her munny, she starts bitching at the ones organizing that she wants to leave and that we should hurry up. Yeah. Total bitch. Also must mention the fact that she apparently has a "free pass" where she can leave her station to go gossip with the manager and supervisor. Yeah, totally unfair. Totally.

So yeah. Today I was the first one to arrive. As in, I got there and there wasn't a single cashier in sight. I was rather shocked. Anyway, I took my petty-cash thing and pick the first station. Didn't care where I was, really. Good thing I picked that one tho, cuz the alternative was next to... her. Ugh.

Anyway. Around 12, the supervisor, Annie, apparently sends her to make sammiches cuz they're hungry. Goddammit. If you know you're going to be at a store from 11 to 5, the LEAST you could do is eat some damn breakfast. And/or bring your own lunch. But no. They're stupid and they start going around getting stuff to buy for sammich. I see Brenda going around. And stuff. After half an hour, she's still going around. A bit later she passes by my station and I ask her if she's on break. She says yes, and asks why. I shrug and say that I was just wondering. Her "break" lasted from 40 minutes to an hour. I SHIT YOU NOT. I was sent on break at 12:53. Yup.

I take my stuff, buy soda, and go to the backroom to eat lunch and generally stay far away from everyone. (yay!). After 30 minutes of isolation, I punched in (cuz the break's only for 30 minutes). Das gets the break after me. Near the end of her break, she comes by my station to buy something. Which I dun mind much. She's sweet. So I tell her that if Bren takes another (strongly saying "ANOTHER") break, that I would scream. She looks at me wondering if I'll really do it and in a rather low voice she says that she just went on break. I take a deep breath and simply say "ok" before finishing with her. When I start with the costumer after Das, the lady tells me that she would scream if she were in my shoes. XD Fun fun!

So yeah. Stupid Bren took TWO breaks. What. The. Fuck.
I don't mind the part of the two breaks. It's the fact that it was TWO. When the rest of us were working our fucking asses off, she was off having a riot. GRRRRRRRRR.

Near the end of the work day, I get sent to organize the aisles cuz apparently I'm one of the fastest. Excuse me, what? I'm one of the SLOWEST! o_o
But oh well. I get paired with Lizzy. She's cool. Most of the time.
Anyway, we organize, and talk. Bitch that it's down right INHUMAN to have us working under this heat. Cuz of course, the a/c is so fucking old, you can't feel it. At all. So most movements resulted in lots of sweating. Which is just disgusting. The manager passed us by bitching that we were too slow. We WHINED that it was too hot. She completely dismissed us saying that it wasn't a reason to work slower and that we should hurry up. DX FAIL. Lizzy and I bitch to ourselves that if she wants us to hurry so much, she should fucking help then.

As we're nearly done with the last aisle, the store is finally closed and the last cashier gets send in to put her petty-cash-thing back on 50 and register everything else. She has to pass by the first aisle where we are. And it's Bren. I curse under my breath and between my teeth. She goes "hurry up! I want to leave! Hey, Lizzy! Hurry up! You're giving me a ride!" and goes into the office. I blink, then turned to Lizzy. She confirms that the ride thing is true. I rolled my eyes. I bitch that if she wants us to hurry, she should fucking help too.

They're all useless anyway.

We're done! We're cleaning up the stations and stuff (aka, I'm cleaning the stations and stuff), and the manager goes around going "see? It wasn't impossible. Who said it was impossible?" No one. No one said that organizing the store before 5:30 was impossible. Unbearable, annoying, and tiring? Yes. But not impossible. We would've finished sooner if these people weren't being pieces of turd and doing NOTHING! But yeah. Hell. We pretended we redid all the aisles as we're supposed to and just said that we were done with it all. Cuz yeah. I, for one, was sick and tired of the day.

That's it I guess.
Got work tomorrow.... MEHHHHH.


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Good day

Today was actually an awesome day. :3 Even tho I had that horrid 3-9pm shift on a day that I had off. But oh well. It was actually quite nice. I pretty much spent like 98% of the shift organizing the aisles. Which I hate, but I didn't feel like saying hello to everyone. LOL.

I also didn't have much interaction with the stupid annoying blond of a secretary (nicknamed her "Her Highness" or "Cinder-sama" cuz of her "mightier than thou" attitude and general bitchyness). So yay! At one point while we finished organizing, Her Highness came out to joke around with Alfred and started lol'ing and then looked at us to notice we were staring at her retarded laugh and kept on talking but in a lower voice. XD lol. Nice going, dipshit.

That is all. Got another shift tomorrow, and on Thursday before I scream that the people on this island are high.

Oh, and a hurricane's supposed to pass by on Thursday. And I live on a road that if the rain's too hard it floods so I can't go up to my house. Yup. Already happened once with regular super-heavy rainstorm. Don't want to try that under a hurricane at 9:25pm. DX

I'll keep you posted (on all three journals).


Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Huzzah! I had a fairly decent day today. Disregarding the fact that my shift was so epicly LONG!

Not a double shift or anything... just a normal shift. That happened to be six hours long (3pm-9pm). Ewww. I really don't like closing shifts. We have to organize everything. Puu puuu. On the other hand, I love opening shifts. I get to do nearly nothing. XD And I have a semi-opening shift on Saturday! Another thing I love about opening shifts is the fact that I get to have the REST of the day to do stuff! (otherwise I tend to regularly wake up from 11 to midday if they let me XD)

My shift on Saturday is from 7-11am. :3 YAY! I'm spending the rest of the afternoon at a friend's house! Yay!

That is all. I'm expecting a large check this week. What with all the hours and the raised minimum wage. X3


Monday, August 3, 2009


Miss Bitchy-Bitch has done it again! Followed by our new manager-lady. D:

And I thought we were doing so good. But noooo.

I can't divide myself. I just can't.

SO. Apparently I also have no reason to hate organizing the aisles after I've been made to organize them all (aka, practically the whole store) by myself (because everyone else gets to fool around, but not me). So I still had to do most of the aisles myself, and then they started screaming at me cuz the first aisle wasn't fixed. Joy. The manager starts being annoying that we have to hurry up. Why? Does the world end at 9pm so she has to have the store looking pretty? Sorry, but our schedules say we can be there up until 9:30. Just because she wants to get out early doesn't mean she can stand around looking at us work and not do any of it herself.

So I'm taking care of aisle one, taking my sweet time. And Miss B-B starts moving stuff. After one shelf she goes "there! I helped you as most as I could". D: Wait, what? You mean you can't help out more? Because why again? You're doing absolutely NOTHING! Dammit. So yeah.

Oh and while the manager was hurrying us (aka, me), Miss B-B goes "yes, hurry! or else... you know!" Excuse me? Did you just threaten me with a warning? Lovely. And what's it going to say? That I refused to hurry up organizing? Because I was busy organizing other aisles and putting away misplaced merchandise? Is that it? Bring it then.

But yeah. It took me all I had not to go horribly violent or something on her.

The music wasn't helping. I don't mind "old people" music. I don't. Unless it's on EVERYDAY. D: And it starts... after 6pm. And guess who has to do most of closing duties! Yup. Me. And I detest "bachata" and "merenge". DX LOATHE IT!

Luckily, I'm off tomorrow.
Gonna run away and buy kompeito. Because I'm in need of sugar. And because I finally found a place to buy them. Yay.
