Sunday, July 26, 2009

Many things.

Ok, so apparently it wasn't a warning. They just use the same paper. And it was to keep record of me being absent that day. D: The hell? According to Alfred, they're doing this now to keep tabs on everyone who misses work. HMMMM. Guess that'll cut this habit of missing work by "being sick" trend that we OBVIOUSLY do. XD Oh well.

Um. Alex has left us. They moved him up a rank and therefore moved him to another store far away. D: awws! In his place we got this lady. Who at first glance you think she's super strict. BUT SHE'S NOT!! She's so nice and friendly! LOL! Plus, when she's bored, she goes around organizing the aisles! I mean, WTF NO ONE ELSE DOES THAT BUT US!!!!!!!! <3 It is awesome! She's also the only one who actually had the balls to call the remaining clients on the PA telling them that we were closed and to please finish up their shopping soon. X3 FUCKING A!!!!!!!!!! That made my day. Hell, I had a huge giggle fit becuase of it. I mean, no other manager has the balls to do that!


Right now we're suffering low hours again. D: There's this girl that only has one day. And apparently Alfred told her that it's because she didn't pass the 2-month trial thing. After two months they give you "permanency".... Um. Yeah. But then Annie and the other girls told her that Alfred was just pulling her leg and shit. D: So I'm not sure what's what anymore. I hope she doesn't go tho, she's fun!

That is all for now. :3 Been suffering because of the citiots, but that's pretty normal when the weekend is LONG (aka, monday and/or friday is a holiday). Heh.


Sunday, July 19, 2009


Yes, sorry that I haven't posted in a while.

Today was a VERY weird day. Weather wise, most of all. It was sunny one moment, and then the next it was raining so hard, you'd think a hurricane was going on outside. And then like 20 minutes later, it was sunny again. Then an hour or so later, the epic rain. Etc, etc, etc. People were whining that they wouldn't be able to go to the beach properly and stuff, and were all panicky cuz they would get wet. But, guys, think about it. The stupid pandemic we're currently going through is supposedly not immune to WATER. So why not get yourself a little wet with the rain?


So, anyway, I was working with miss Bitchy-bitch today. After what happened last time (the time I told Alfred on her because she drove me up the wall) we've been pretty damn civil around each other. Thank gods. So now Miss BB has it in her head that I'm her little assistant. Yes, you read that right. So I go around doing her stuff in her stead. Unless it's stuff only she can do. It's good because I escape register duties for more than just a few minutes. :3

So, yeah. We're getting along. XD Let's hope it stays that way.

Oh yeah. I got a warning the other day, which I'm completely refusing to sign, that says that I called in sick (cuz I had bad tummy aches and other things I rather not mention here) right at the time I was supposed to go in (at 4pm). Which is complete bullshit since I called around 2:30 to 2:50. Ages before my shift. But since they're claiming stuff that ain't true, I'm not gonna sign it. If it at the very least said that I called an hour and a half (or just an hour) before my shift and that I should make sure to call at LEAST two hours before it and to be more careful next time and shit.... I would sign it. But as long as it keeps saying that I called at 4, I'm not going to. >:|

Moving on. I have closing duty all week. EWWWWW.
I need a new job. Definitely. People say I whined a lot at the airport one (which I don't deny because it was awful), but at least that one is one that I was actually sad to leave when the contract was over. This is one is more like "eww, I have no other choice. No one else is hiring, and these ppl are kind enough to re-hire me. but still. Ewww!". *shrugs* I never did miss it, tho. I missed some of the girls, but that was it. I hated all the things we went through and how crappy every thing was/is. Oh well.

Federal minimum wage is going up to $7.25 on the 24th!!!!!!!!!!!! HUZZAH!!!!!!!!!!
We're currently on $6.55. Just in case anyone's wondering. XD
Sadly since we have no State Minimum Wage thing (cuz we're not a state), so this is the stardard minimum wage for the WHOLE island. Joy *sarcassm*.


Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July weekend!

4th of July was hectic! Very, very hectic. What with all the citiots and the tourists and the people that do live around here doing last minute shopping. Yup, it was full. I was really glad that my shift was from 10am to 2pm so I didn't have to stay until nearly 9:30pm organizing aisles. Yup.

Citiots is a word taken from the (new) show Royal Pains and it's used to describe people that only come here for the weekend. I've expanded that a bit to also mean city+idiots.
Yup. They made it hard to get to work, then get back home. Cuz they were everywhere!

But that doesn't belong here, so XD. Just imagine a two way road with grass and semi-jungle on the sides and then people parking all over the sides. Semi-trying not to get into the jungle but throwing it into the jungle anyway for fear of some of us that live there ruining their precious cars. That and the occassional cop that goes around giving them all tickets. <3

Anyway, yeah.
Today was a weird day. I think the one in charge of making the schedules thought that it was going to be a hectic day so she assigned five of us to man our registers. Pretty much. XD But we were too many! And not many citiots since they were mostly trying to get to their homes. I was one of the lucky ones who was sent home early because, like previously stated, we were too many and because it was slow. :3 I did get to semi-mock all the citiots going on the other direction (aka, towards the metro area) in that huge traffic jam that they created (just because they wanted to get out early and not catch the traffic jam). XD Totally worth it.

And the way home was practically cleared of them and their tents (and BBQ sets), which made for a peaceful ride home.

Oh! I also got to work with miss Bitchy-bitch today. Guess who was all sweet to her all day? Yup, me! Yay! I think Alfred gave her a talking to because she pretty much avoided having too much contact with me unless it was absolutely necessary. JOY! <3


Thursday, July 2, 2009



Imma call her Bitchy-bitch.

So, miss Bitchy-bitch got out of her shift an hour or so after I went in (YAY!). I was very very overjoyed. I didn't have to stand her for that long! Everything was alright! I didn't have a fight with her!


So after her shift was over, she went to the meat area and got a bag of meat to buy. And then went straight to my register. Wait, what? Is it because mine is closer to the clock-in machine? Is that it? Or was she just looking for a fight?

Anyway, she went over to where I was. And stood behind me. So I started to ignore her and finished with the client I was at the moment attending. I still had some other 3 or 4 people on the line waiting for their turn. And miss Bitchy-bitch then decides that no one matters and that she has the right to bypass EVERYONE else. So she pretty much forces me to attend her meat. D:

At all this I'm pretty much softly arguing with her that she has no right to do this and that she should make the line like everyone else, and that what she's doing is a complete lack of respect over the rest of the clients who are dutifully waiting their turn without a fuss.

She ignores me and keeps arguing that she needs to go and that I have to tend to her.

I take a deep breath. I process her stupid meat. She tells me to do something one way. I don't mind since people have done it before (pay, for example, 16 dollars with a credit/debit card and whatever left over cents with cash). I didn't mind until she started pushing the buttons of my register. D:< WTF?! She has no right considering she's out of her shift. She's now a regular client, not my boss.

But I let it slide and fix whatever she wrote. She starts arguing that if I do something wrong then she'd have to call for a void and then we'd be stuck there longer. Excuse me? Who was the one who wrote a dollar extra where she wasn't even supposed to be touching?! GRAHHH!

I take a few more deep breaths. People are looking at me like "wtf is her deal!?" Yup. Even they got annoyed. But no one voiced anything. They just looked at me later with a bit of pity.

I was on the verge of pretty much punching her teeth in or something violent like that.

Another deep breath and I'm done with her. As soon as I handed her the receipt I turned my back on her and kept on with the next person in line.

After I'm done, I follow mini-manager (he's an actual manager, but he's the youngest of the three) into the money room and pretty much tell him that if miss bitchy-bitch does something like that again I was going to resort to violence. His eyes opened wide a bit. I was that annoyed. I think even the receptionist was wondering what demon was in me. Alex, the mini-manager, tells me to go see Alfred, the big-manager. So I do that.

Apparently I now know that I have a volatile temper. LOL! It's going to be our new joke.
Cuz I'm the sweet one. My sister's the violent one. XD

But yeah.

So I told Alfred what happened, and he tells me that he was waiting for me to whine about her so that he can tell me that she has whined about me! o_o WTH. But still. The only reason she whines about me is because the power goes to her head and she wants people to do everything alone. She can easily tell me to do three different things, in three different places of the supermarket, and then ask me why I haven't done any of them. Two minutes after issuing the "order". Because she can.

Dude. I can't duplicate myself or stop time and do it and come back/resume time so that it seems like no time passed but I already did everything. I'm also not flash.

Anyway, Alfred told me to keep to my mantra ("take a nice deep breath"/"respira ondo y profundo") and to follow whatever she says because she's still technically my "boss". And that if anything else happens to go to him and talk to him.


I'm now thinking that she's going to deny what she did and I'm going to look like the fool. But if she denies it, then I'm going to deny everything she said about me (whatever that was).

I do my work. I follow the rules. But I won't follow the makeshift rules of an idiot.
