Monday, September 28, 2009

I wish...

I wish for a lot of things. But recently the only thing I keep wishing for is a moment to throw a shoe at Brenda. Or something hard. Or do other things like randomly cut off a piece of her hair. I DUNNO.

She just frustrates me so.

My feet are tired. The lady!manager's brilliant idea was that apparently I needed a break from the aisles. So she tried to keep me to the front as much as possible. Joy. Specially since Mrs.BB was front end today. DX

I'm surprised I haven't passed out yet from doing so many things.

Nothing new today really. I need to do a lot of things. And I have no time to do any of them. Really.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Scheduling fail

I didn't post anything on Sunday because it was a slow day.

Today, tho, things got weird. I was pissed but didn't really show it, considering how I was semi-arguing my case.

When I got in to work, the first thing Annie tells me is to go home. I wouldn't really have minded, but nonetheless I asked for a reason. She said that it was because my shift started at 3 and I didn't call. Yeah, that was sorta my fault. I had myself convinced that it was at 5. BUT. It was Awiwi's fault. I told Annie that I couldn't have possibly come at 3 for at 3 I was getting out of Fajardo! And that's an hour away (give or take 10 minutes, and the speed your driving. It's less if you're, say, 30 miles over the limit or something like that. And I still have to stop by home to get changed, attend nature's call, and EAT).

I told her that Awiwi had both my class schedule and my work-study schedule. And it clearly says that on Tuesdays and Thursdays I get out at 3pm. (since 8am D: yeah, it's murder). She didn't know what to do, so she said "let's go talk to Alfred". Yay?

So we go, and I explain it to Alfred. He tells me to sit down (super soft chair. :3) and tells Annie to please bring the schedules (mines and the work ones). He checks it all. I even explain how Awiwi has done this a few times before, and how she seemed to completely overlook the fact that I have class on Saturdays from 7:30am to 11:30am (which makes it impossible for me to get in to work at 9am), but that this week it was ok because I didn't have class this Saturday (it's true. it's why I have to suffer accounting class tomorrow night. ewwwwww).

All in all, Alfred told me to go work (aka, not to go home, but to stay and do the whole 5-9 shift). :D Awesome!

It was a slow day tho and I only went to my station once, and it was for 2 people. XD Win. We even got out early tho.

My joke for the day was that Awiwi probably thought that I had a spaceship with a transporter system (lol Star Trek is all I kept saying) to make it possible for me to get out of school at 3 and get in to work at the same time. X3 At one point Jesus went "why don't you go steal one then?". I looked at him and went "where the hell am I supposed to find a spaceship to steal?" XD And he went on to list different municipalities that I supposedly could find one. Lol. Fun.


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Failing at life

This is for Saturday, not Sunday. Sunday's post will be later (maybe).

So, I was rather happy on my way to work today. No idea why. It's not like I was going anywhere after my shift.
But then my car kinda died on me. From the same thing it died on me last time. It sucks. Sounded different than last time. More screechy, less clicks.
I called the boyfriend of a friend of mine. Just happened to be talking to him at that very moment about fixing something in my car. Then I called dad. He told me to get my shit together and walk to work and just leave the car there to fend for itself. Then he was a jerk about it saying that if I left the car alone, people would have it dismantled by the time I got out. Lovely. I started crying. I think I had a moment of hysteria too. Anyway, I called work, bawling my eyes out. The lady!manager told me to calm down and to call her when I got things fixed. Dad called the mechanic. I was two minutes by car from the fail!mechanic's house. Joy.

But he came anyway. And they tugged the car to the house and up the hill. I was calm by then. I started talking with the fail!mechanic's wife. I had to keep talking or else I would break and cry again. I had already cried a lot. I have no idea why I cried so much. It's not like it's rare for that car to break down. And usually I reply to it's temperaments with annoyance. But I cried for it today. I think I'm stressed.

I got to work an hour and a half later. And it was good. Dunno why but I felt shitty all shift. I was sent to the aisles and I did a speedy organizing even tho I stopped a few times. I kept trying to think of different things in order not to think of the car.

I hate when people ask "how are you?" in passing. It tugs at me to always just say "fine" or "good". When did "how are you?" became as casual as "hello"?

Ignore me, I'm being analytical of things. I took short naps for the rest of the afternoon. But it's already 3am now and I have a shift tomorrow/today morning. At 11. It's Sunday shift. In which we get paid double. But annoying politics want to change it to a regular day. D: I dun wanna work on a Sunday at all. Much less if it's on regular pay. We don't get paid enough as it is considering how low the wages are.

Hmm. More sleeping, less thinking.


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Double update

I only have four work days this week. D: Fail.

Anyway, let's start with Monday.

Brenda wasn't there, yay. But Mrs.BB was. And it was hell.
At first, not so much. But while I wasn't initially too long at my station, I was quickly sent to organize the aisles. Which wasn't bad at all. Except for the fact that I wasn't gone for more than 10 minutes before Mrs.BB called me back. With the intercom. Joy. And only because the other cashier had like, 3 people making a line. The hell. I've worked with lines of over 10 people, and never really asked for help. I just did it rather quickly. Cuz I'm super fast and efficient. >:\
So yeah. After staying for a rather long while at my station, I was sent back to the aisles. And less than 10 minutes later I was called back again.

My shift was from 3-9pm. So I wasn't too happy about all the moving around. At one point I told Mrs.BB to remember that I had to take a break, but she only nodded before sending me back to the aisles. At around 5:30 I go to the front (without being called) and tell Mrs.BB that she should send me on my break so that when Barbie gets off at 6 there isn't less people. She paused for a second before going "I told you to take a break at 5:30. Go on, get out of here!" So I did. Yay!

Point is that I got annoyed with the constant station-aisle jumps that I pretty much went "Oh gods, are you bored?" to myself when I got called again, except this time the lady!manager was next to me. Whoops? The good thing was, tho, that I got asked to put my petty inside. AWESOME!

There are 7 aisles in the whole store and usually we start organizing them from the seventh to the first. Yeah. I was still on the fifth one. D: Which annoyed the lady!manager cuz I was being "too slow". Yeah, news flash lady. I'm one of the slowest one on the whole store. TYVM. But no. To her I'm the fastest. Somehow. Anyway, the lady!manager started to hurry me. I got annoyed. Then Mrs.BB comes by.

Mrs.BB: What are you doing? Come on, hurry up! We're behind!
Me: *glare* What do you think I'm doing? Staring off into space?!
Mrs.BB: Yeah.

Nearly 10 minutes later she goes starts to bother me again and trying to hurry me up that I snap and go "For the love of god, just leave me alone!"
Yeah. I kinda screamed that. >_>
But I was left alone. Until I was nearly done with aisle 4. In which she comes to me. I see her approaching and a growl forms in the back of my throat. She nudges me and asks me to sign some random things for her (they're regular stuff, not too important really), but then she goes "don't be mad at me." I glare. "They're hurrying me, so I have to hurry you." she says, and then walks away.
By this time my rage popped and I cried. It took me a bit to calm down, but luckily no one saw me. I was much more calm after that tho. More annoyed and a lot less angry.
And then Zoel, one of the baggers, starts POKING me on my shoulder (near the shoulder blade) HARD. DX WTH. I tell him to knock it off. He keeps doing it. I slap his hands away a few times. He keeps doing it. I throw a freaking bag of sugar at him. That made him stop. If only because he now had to go fetch a broom and dust pan to clean up the sugar (cuz the bag pretty much broke on contact with the other side of the aisle. lol win). After it's clean, tho, he tries to poke me again. Seba tells him not to cuz I am capable of throwing a bag of sugar at him. LMAO. Too late. But since Zoel wouldn't stop fucking poking me, I got up and went to the other corner to the aisle to organize. FAR FAR away from Zoel. :D
The rest of the night went good tho. But it was a horrible work shift.

Today on the other hand, I quickly volunteered to do the aisles. Cuz I was tired and I didn't want to deal with people. Annie said yes. WHOOT!
The only bad part: Brenda was on shift. Fail.
Annie said, tho, that she was gonna try not to call me much to the front. She didn't. She called me like, once. And a second time it was because I was passing by and she asked me to "please" go to my station. And who can say no to a please? Seriously. :3
But all in all, I was organizing aisles by myself. I did pretty much the whole store except for the first aisle. Once the night was over, Annie said that since I had done the whole store by myself, that I could leave early. (my train of thought was more along the lines of "i did the whole store by myself without whining even once). So I help a little bit more and then I go "ok, I'm off".

To this Brenda goes "oh? We can leave?! *hopeful*" and Annie went "no". I mentally went "lol". Annie explained the why I could leave early, but I really didn't know why she needed the others there. *shrugs* Don't care. I happily left. <3

Night guys. :3


Thursday, September 10, 2009


Ok. So I'm reliable in that you can tell me something and I'll keep it to myself (most of the time). That doesn't mean I want to be stuck in the middle of your feuds. DX

Thing is that two months ago, Brenda broke Mrs.BB's laptop. Kinda. She cracked the screen and killed the battery (like, seriously it doesn't work anymore). So yeah. She told Mrs.BB that she would pay anything to fix it. But then started making excuses and shit and now she's completely avoiding Mrs.BB to the max. Mrs.BB also told me that apparently Brenda owes her money from some products too (from February). o_o Yeah.

Mrs.BB is even going as far as getting her to court. Cuz Brenda has to pay her back from her products and from damaging the laptop. We'll see what happens.

Work has been the same as always. So yeah.

Oh. And when Brenda's working, there's always a 98% that she'll be the last one out. I think I've mentioned this before, but mehhh. Oh well. It still ticks me off. Like today I was stuck in the express lane, and she dared to simply step out to the bathroom without saying anything to anyone and leaving me with people that had their carts full. D: Express lane is 10 items or less, not ten people or less. And plus it doesn't help AT ALL that I have to bag everything up as I pass them. MEHHHHHHHHHHH.
