Sunday, March 21, 2010

Random things

I keep putting of updating for the sole reason that I think about updating during and after my shift... only to get home and try my best to forget my whole shift in general. Doih.

So. Today is Sunday. And as a general thumb rule, I hate working Sundays. It's always full, always hectic, and causes nothing but trouble. Did I mention it was hectic?

When I got there today (nearly 10 minutes before my shift... which is weird) there were soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many people in the parking lot that I was calling them a circus. No idea why, but yeah. And it took me a few minutes outside for my general panic to start. Joy. I wanted to be let into the store ASAP! Just to get away from all the reggeaton lovers that were there thinking that the parking lot was a party or a get together or something. D: They had their radios so high, it was annoying. And there's a freaking church near the store! Which was just disturbing when I had to walk by the suv that had the most music (and hearing obscene words from there... with little kids around DX).

ANYWAY. It was hectic. So annoying. And they mostly were buying beer and ice. And maybe snacks if anything. WHY? Maybe because tomorrow's a holiday? Pfft. Maybe.

Regardless of the super busy day, we didn't take long to clean up the aisles after closing time. I get annoyed watching the messes people make. And I'm really special when it comes to cleaning up. I usually refuse to do it. Whining included. This time tho, I did whine... but I went to do it anyway because I didn't have anything else to do and I wanted to leave. So I organized the Dairy aisle (which is where all the cheeses, yogurt, hams, eggs, butter, even juices, stuffs are...). When I finished, I moved to the first aisle (we have 7 aisles, the produce area, the meat area/aisle, the dairy area/aisle, and the liquor area/aisle) and started organizing it. When I was done, the front-end manager wanted me to take the boxes to the back. But there was no way I was doing that. THAT in specific I strongly refused. There was no way I was going back there when there were OTHERS that had done no cleaning or organizing at all. I was furious, but too tired to really express it. So. Barbie at one point in time whined that her feet hurt and took off her shoes and was happily going around barefoot. Which I didn't really mind and I would do it too but taking my shoes off is annoying due to a cut on my left big toe.... yeah.

So yeah. I was generally ignoring them until Barbie shoes up with the cart that needs to be taken to the back... when she starts whining (directed at me) that she doesn't want to take the cart because her feet would get even dirtier and was trying to coax me into taking it instead. Sadly for her, I wasn't in any mood to put up with her. At all. So I told her to go put her shoes back on. She whined that her feet hurt and that she was even getting water bubbles and stuff. I simply told her to put some socks on instead.... which she retaliated with asking me from where. But since I didn't find the urges to argue my point across I just kept walking and she did the same.

My point? If you're doing a 6+ hour shift, on a rather hot day, knowing that a LOT of people were coming (cuz it's a Sunday and they're always hectic), WHY THE FLYING FUCK WOULD YOU WEAR WORKING SHOES WITHOUT SOCKS?! *breathes* I know I'm right, dammit!

Another annoying thing that happened some weeks ago involved this random man with a "white" shirt that pretty much told everyone that he was rolling around in a pig pen and deemed it a hassle to take a bath and GET FUCKING CHANGED before walking into a supermarket. SO, he came in, and the first thing that comes out of his mouth is "I want a case of Coors (Light), a case of Budweiser, and a box of cigarrettes" before turning to talk with Alfred. I was pretty much appalled. I decided to ignore it, until I was called via intercom (thingay) to go to the front where Rachel pretty much told me to go get the stuff. DX What the fuck does he think the supermarket was, a fast food ordering window???? Sheesh.

Finally, the current thing that's going on around now is the fact that Mrs.BB has already missed 3 days of work without so much as a phone call. She's pretty much fired if she doesn't come tomorrow (which we're all assuming she's not). Which is rather shocking really. That whore Brenda passed by the store the other day looking for her too (which was rather shocking since they were supposed to be fighting and shit....?). Gods. She should just write a letter saying that she's quitting for whatever reason she can bullshit out. Cuz apparently you don't get "not-currently-working" benefits for job abandonment. Good to know.

Hmmmm. That is all really. I have off tomorrow (huzzah!), so I'm going to climb on the stool and do a throughout check of the boxes up in the closet (I'm looking for something). And maybe broom and clean a little. XD


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